
How to Make Your Blog Post SEO Friendly

Search engine optimization has lot of significance in today’s blogging world.
After all, no one can deny that Google has one of the best and popular search engines nowadays. Google loves SEO friendly blog post that’s the reason Google rank these posts on top in search engine.
Usually many bloggers just write engaging post for their audience to grab their attention but they don’t pay a little attention to make their post SEO friendly. Isn’t it? Exactly, it is.
It’s a pity that many well written and engaging post that have lot of value for their readers are not ranked in search engine due to lack of SEO efforts put into it. They apparently missed a big opportunity of organic searchers from Google.
Writing a blog post is very easy but make your blog post SEO friendly is very difficult, Right? So, the question arises how to make blog post SEO friendly?
Today I’ll expose the biggest secret of how to make your blog post SEO friendly and to get top rank quickly in search engine.

Make Your Blog Post SEO Friendly In Simple Ways

  1. Use Sticky And Eye Catchy Title
    Firstly, the most important thing is to make sure to pick a sticky and eye catchy title that grabs attention of targeted audience to your site. Title plays an important role to gain lots of searchers interest to read out that post. To make SEO friendly blog title you must have a targeted keyword in the title of your blog post.
    Title makes the impression on your readers and search engine to determine the relevancy of your post. Another important thing to optimize your title for SEO is your title must not be lengthy. It must be under 65 to 70 characters.
    In a survey, estimated 90% of searchers just take up to 10 seconds to decide whether to visit this post or not? Redundant and unsightly titles lose thousands of daily organic visitors.
  2. Content Must Be Original
    For SEO purposes search engine like to filter out all duplicate contents that are exactly the same on other sites. They never want to show you the same content at different positions that harms their user’s experience.
    Make sure to don’t just copy and paste neighbor’s site article with little changes or don’t steal someone else articles. Don’t know about how to write original or unique content?
    The first and foremost step is to do some research about your topic and just remember all important points then start writing it in your own words. Always remember that your content must be original and it should not be plagiarized.
  3. Must Includes Keywords In The Body Of Content
    Once you have decided your targeted keyword make sure to use that keyword in the body of content. Make your blog post SEO friendly by adding relevant keywords at the beginning and ending of the blog post.
    Make sure to have targeted keyword in the middle of your blog content. I suggest you to use long tail keyword in view of the fact that these keywords gain lot of visitors back to the post and rank quickly in search engine as well. 
    Remember: Don’t stuff targeted keyword too much as this act harms your SEO and make your blog post crappy and redundant.
  4. SEO Friendly URL Structure
    To make your post SEO friendly you must have a SEO friendly URL. Having SEO friendly URL makes the post more relevant and quickly found in search engine. Don’t know what is SEO friendly URL?
    No problem, if you are a WordPress user you can easily set your URL’s structure once from the admin panel of your blog, Got it? The major difference between SEO unfriendly URL and SEO friendly URL is that you have your targeted keyword in the URL of blog post.
    SEO Friendly URL like this: www.example.com/your-post-title
    SEO unfriendly URL like this: www.example.com/?p=58854
  5. Fully Optimized Images
    To optimize images and to make them SEO friendly you must add ALT text to each of them. Certainly post images with Alt text increase SEO of blog post. It also assists to gain thousands of visitors from Google image search engine.
    Also, there is a title attribute for your image. By using title attribute you can easily check out the title text of the image by hovering your mouse cursor over the image. Images also help to describe your post graphically.
  6. Have a meaningful Meta Description
    Last and foremost, meta description plays an important role in capturing visitor’s attention. This description is used as a part of the snippet shown in the search results.
    Make sure to use your targeted keyword when adding a meta description to a blog post in order to make it SEO friendly. This is one of the best places where you can easily use keyword to increase the post relevancy and to increase search engine visibility to find out your blog post quickly.